Recreational Gymnastics Classes
We offer Recreational Gymnastics for both girls and boys from 3 years old. These classes range from one hour beginners classes, two hour intermediate classes to more advanced two hour classes. Classes are allocated based on age and ability.
Gymnasts learn skills on all the apparatus, developing co-ordination, balance stamina and flexibility. They are encouraged to work towards completing the BPGC Level Awards, achieving certificates on successfully passing their assessment.
Every year we hold our annual club championships which also allows our recreational gymnasts to display the skills they have learned throughout the year. This also helps with building confidence, as the gymnasts get practice performing in front of their families and friends.

These classes run on Monday-Friday evenings and Saturday-Sunday Mornings and Afternoons. Recreational Classes get booked up extremely quickly and places are offered on a first come first served basis. If classes are full, you will be offered a place on our waiting list.
Contact us for more information or to book classes using our contact form